Setelah murid dapat bantuan sepeda, kedepan kami berharap agar guru-guru dapat laptop. Agar nantinya mereka lebih optimal mengerjakan pekerjaannya. Demikian Bupati Gresik, Dr. Ir. Sambari Halim Radianto, ST, M.Si melontarkan harapannya saat berpidato setelah simbolis menyerahkan 150 sepeda untuk anak sekolah kurang mampu.
Acara yang dihelat di Ruang Mandala Bhakti Praja lantai IV Kantor Bupati Gresik, Kamis (23/12), dihadiri oleh Direktur Pertamina yang kali ini diwakili Manager HSE Mufti, selaku pemberi bantuan 150 sepeda untuk siswa kurang mampu. Serta 300 orang undangan anggota Ikatan Guru Indonesia (IGI) Gresik, konsursium Sepeda Untuk Sekolah SUS yaitu dari Centre for Betterment of Education, Ikatan Alumni Unesa, Ikatan Alumni UI, Ikatan Alumni ITB juga dari club Bike to work.
Dalam kesempatan itu, Bupati menyambut gembira atas peran serta pengusaha, maupun assosiasi yang lain karena telah berperan serta dalam bantuan. Tepat sekali kalau pertamina ikut memberikan bantuan santunan di Gresik. Di Kabupaten Gresik ada 6 sumur yang sudah eksplorasi dan 5 sumur yang sudah di eksploitasi. “Kedepan kami berharap bantuan ini bisa mencakup pada hal yang lebih luas lagi harapnya.
Sekjen IGI, M. Ikhsan dalam sambutannya menceriterakan tentang program ini, awalnya program ini lahir dari pertemuan antar alumni. Sesama alumni merasa prihatin atas kesulitan anak sekaolah dalam hal transportasi. Maka lahirlah ide untum memberikan sepeda. Dari ide awal yang hanya sanggup memberikan sepeda hanya puluhan ini kemudian ditangkap Pertamina sehingga seperti sekarang ini. Kami berharap program ini terus berkembang. Kalau tahun ini hanya 2500 sepeda, kami harap pada tahun berikutnya bias mencapai 5000 sepeda.
Denistya Eka Hidayat siswa kelas 6 SDN 5 Sidokumpul, Bagus Syarifudin siswa kelas 5 SD At-Thohiriyah dan Setyo dari SDN Padeg serempak mengaku gembira saat ditanya kesannya mendapat sepeda.sekarang sudah nggak jalan lagi kalo ke sekolah kata Setyo. Sementara Denistya Eka Hidayat mengaku sangat mengidamkan untuk memiliki sepeda. “saya akan merawatnya baik-baik janjinya.
Sementara ketua IGI Gresik, Drs. Marjuki, M.Pd melalui Kabag Humas Pemkab Gresik, Andhy Hendro Wijaya mengatakan, program sepeda untuk sekolah ini merupakan yang tujuannya untuk memberikan bantuan transportasi sekolah. Sepeda tersebut merupakan inventaris sekolah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk siswa kurang mampu. Diharapkan sepeda tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan berkelanjutan, ujar Marjuki. (sdm)
‘, ‘Once students can help a bike, we hope for the future teachers to the laptop. They will be optimized for doing his job. Similarly, Gresik Regent, Dr. Ir. Halim Sambari Radianto, ST, M. Si threw his hopes during a speech after the symbolic hand over 150 bicycles for underprivileged schoolchildren.
The event was held in Room Mandala Bhakti Praja fourth floor office of Gresik Regent, on Thursday (23/12), was attended by Director of Pertamina, the HSE Manager this time represented the Mufti, as aid 150 bicycles for underprivileged students. And 300 people were invited members of the Indonesian Teachers Association (IGI) Gresik, konsursium Bike To School SUS from the Centre for Betterment of Education, Alumni Association Unesa, UI Alumni Association, Alumni Association of the club”s ITB also Bike to work.
On that occasion, welcomed the Regents of the role of the entrepreneur, as well as other associations for having participated in relief. Exactly if Pertamina were involved in relief compensation in Gresik. In Gresik Regency there are 6 existing wells and 5 exploration wells already in exploitation. “In the future we hope that this assistance could include the terms of a wider”he hoped.
Secretary General of IGI, M. Ikhsan in his speech told about this program, this program was originally born out of meetings between alumni. Fellow alumni to feel concerned about the difficulties of school children in terms of transportation. Thus was born the idea untum give the bike. From the initial idea which could only give the bike just was later arrested dozens of Pertamina, so it is today. We hope this program continues to grow. If this year is only 2500 bike, we hope that by next year the bias reached 5,000 bikes.
Eka Hidayat Denistya grade 6 SDN 5 Sidokumpul, Good Syarifudin 5 th grade students at-Thohiriyah and Setyo from SDN Padeg admitted simultaneously excited when asked his impression to get a bike. “now is not the road again if the school” said Setyo. While Denistya Eka Hidayat was deeply crave to have a bike. “I”ll take care of him all right” he promised.

While chairman of IGI Gresik, Drs. Marjuki, M. Pd through the Head of Public Relations Government of Gresik regency, Andhy Hendro Wijaya said, bike to school program whose goal is to provide school transport assistance. Bicycles are an inventory of schools that can be used for underprivileged students. It is expected that these bikes can be used sustainably, says Marjuki. (Sdm)
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